My online store can ship internationally, but please make sure that your country is available for delivery beforehand.
I apologize for the inconvenience, but we would appreciate it if you could write your address again in the remarks field when you make a purchase.
(The address input screen for Japanese specifications seems to inevitably change in a strange way.)
Thank you so much!
ミニミニポスターとしていかがでしょうか? 210×210mm オンデマンド印刷 素材:紙 Hello, Thank you for visiting my onlineshop. I can ship internationally, but may not be able to ship to some countries.Please check if we can ship from Japan to your country. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much for your understanding! ありがとうございます!
他のカードよりも大きなサイズです。 ミニミニポスターとしていかがでしょうか? 210×260mm オンデマンド印刷 素材:紙 Hello, Thank you for visiting my onlineshop. I can ship internationally, but may not be able to ship to some countries.Please check if we can ship from Japan to your country. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much for your understanding! ありがとうございます!
『わだつみ』 ×mm 鉛筆/水彩絵の具/顔彩/色鉛筆/アルコールマーカー/ケント紙/木製パネル Hello, Thank you for visiting my onlineshop. I can ship internationally, but may not be able to ship to some countries.Please check if we can ship from Japan to your country. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much for your understanding! ありがとうございます!
『ふたり』 鉛筆/色鉛筆/ケント紙 (額装はなし、200mm×200mmのマット紙付) 150mm×142mm Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much!
『Candle』 鉛筆/色鉛筆/ケント紙 (額装はなし、 200mm×200mmのマット紙付) 160mm×155mm Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much!
『Libra』 鉛筆/色鉛筆/アルコールマーカー/ケント紙 (額装はなし、 200mm×200mmのマット紙付) 145mm×145mm Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much!
『ツノを持っている』 鉛筆/ケント紙 (額装はなし、 200mm×200mmのマット紙付) 145mm×145mm Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much!
『Dance』 鉛筆/色鉛筆/ケント紙 (額装はなし、 200mm×200mmのマット紙付) 143mm×143mm Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much!
『Changes』 鉛筆/ケント紙 (200mm×200mmのマット紙付) 148mm×148mm Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much!
『一片のメルヘン』 鉛筆/水彩絵の具/顔彩/色鉛筆/水彩紙/木製パネル 300×300mm 2023年 Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country.https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much.
『Harmony 』 鉛筆 /水彩絵の具/顔彩/ケント紙/木製パネル F6 410×318mm 2024年 Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much.
『なかよし』F0(180×140mm) 鉛筆/ケント紙/木製パネル 2023年 Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country.https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much.
『愛』F0(180×140mm) 鉛筆/ケント紙/木製パネル 2023年 Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country.https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much.
『いくしかなくね』F0(180×140mm) 鉛筆/ケント紙/木製パネル 2023年 Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country.https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much.
喫茶トーキョー・レトロ展出展作品です。 『いつもの』 180mm×180mm 鉛筆/水彩絵の具/色鉛筆/ケント紙/木製パネル 2023年 Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country.https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much.
『いまはうたをうたいたい』 180mm×180mm 鉛筆/ケント紙/木製パネル 2023年 Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country.https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much.
手製本ノートと紙こもののすずめやさんのアートパネルに描かせていただきました。素晴らしい作品の上に絵を描くのはとてもこわくもありました。 導かれるように、いつも描けない絵を描かせていただけたと感じています。 すずめやさんの手仕事の素晴らしさもぜひ堪能していただきたいです。角も側面もとにかく美しいです。 西宮市の花と寅さんでのグループ展『少女地獄』出展作品です。 『おんなのこ』 約147×210mm 鉛筆/水彩絵具/すずめやさんのアートパネル 2021年 Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country.https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much.
『 聞こえますか?』 鉛筆 /水彩絵の具/顔彩/色鉛筆/ケント紙 約180mm×170mm 2023年 (額装なしの絵だけの販売となります) Due to a combination of factors, the postal situation is currently very bad, and it seems to take much longer than usual. Some countries may not be able to ship, so please check if it is possible to ship from Japan to your country. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html Thank you very much.